Here is the latest update on the New Art Studio. It is almost done.
I have been continuing to bring all my stained glass out of the house a few sheets at a time and putting them back in the cabinet. I have been organizing it by brands of glass, and fusible and non-fusible glass. I also had a cubby for my glass rods for lampwork bead making. Everything will be real easy to access for ease of creating.
Just had to show you this pretty piece of my stained glass. I have so many pieces of beautiful glass. I was very fortunate to buy a lot of beautiful glass some years ago from a lady who was moving out of state for a very reasonable price.
We brought my stainless steel table out of storage with help of my grandson, Devin. Forgot how heavy the thing was!! It will be the prefect work surface for my torches for lampwork, also called flamework, bead making! This is not it’s final resting place, but we got it into the studio. I will move it after the rest of the floor is painted.
Final coat of paint on the last wall on the north side by the door, except for that upper corner and the door trim on the right hand side. My Hubby, Rick, is installing a motion detector light on the outside of the building, and then that panel will be put up and painted, and the door trim painted. It is dark at night walking in and out of the house into the back yard, so the light is much needed. 
Hubby put the trim board on the front edge of the counter top and I started grouting the tile.
Removing the blue painter’s tape from around the window on the north side.
Next work to be done: finish grouting the tiles, finish painting the floors, also have some touch up spots of paint here and there, and paint the trim boards on both counter tops. Almost done!!
#almostdone #artstudio #newartstudio #instalike #instagood #picoftheday #art #artist #flamework #lampwork #fusedglass #stainedglass #painting