I have found a new Artform, at least new to me!! It is called “Freeform Crochet.” And is very exciting and fun!! This is definately fiber arts as I had never seen it before. You just start crocheting and keep changing yarns and stitches and see what you can create.
Working in smaller sections called “scrumbling” you can get very creative. I have started my first scarf. This is a great way to use up scrap yarn. Pick a pile of yarn scraps of colors that compliment each other. 8, 10 or 15 colors.
The pic depicts my first three scrumbles. The first scrumble (bottom of the pic) started on the left side with the peach yarn. I made a random amount of ch sts, some dc in a fan shape, and created a few bobbles. I changed to a light blue, white, pink variegated textured yarn, and continued with the fan shape, created some bobbles and some open spaces. Changed to a dark rose color, still working in the fan shape, some sc, some dc, some smaller fan clusters, filling in the open spaces left in the row before. Still continuing in the same vein, I changed to a bulky black and blue variegated yarn, adding some more bobbles, some open spaces, some fans. Then I went back to the peach around the edge and worked some sc, some dc, some scallops around and came back across the beginning edge of the scrumble with the light blue, pink, white variegated. End of first scrumble.
The second scrumble started where the first one left off, number two is the one shown in the top of the pic. As you can see I was working with the light blue, white, pink variegated textured yarn and just started the second scrumble coming out of the first scrumble. That one went on to pink, then to purple, then rose and then a real nice bulky, fuzzy yarn in roses, browns and tans.
The third scrumble is the small one to the left side of the pic. I attached the teal yarn to the second scrumble and made some chains, then made a small loop in the end of the ch from 3 ch sts and sl st them together, then some sc back down the ch and the 3rd row had some bobbles and dc back to the loop I made in the ch and I filled it with dc. Changed to the purple and made some sc, around the end of the circle I did back post sc. As I came beside the first scrumble, I made some ch sts, and sl st it to the first scrumble and more chs and sl sts. I attached it to the first one for more stability of my scarf when I wear it and as it hangs down.
I am loving this new Artform I have discovered!!! Thinking of doing a wall hanging for my dinning room wall. More blog posts to come as I create more scrumbles and the scarf comes together. Any questions, just ask. I am learning as I go and it is totally fun.
Happy hooking, as us crocheters say.
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