I took a break from all the painting of walls and floors to do a little creating. I needed a birthday gift for a friend, so decided to fuse some glass.
Covered my table with butcher paper and set up all my tools, molds and glass.
Set up my glass band saw and glass grinder and filled them with water. They have diamond bits and so I have to water cool the bits.
Laid out the glass and the mold and drew up the pattern on the glass
Shinning the light through the stained glass so you can see how pretty it is. 
Cutting the first glass heart. 
Cutting the second glass heart.
Laying out the stained glass and the dichroic glass I plan to fuse onto the heart-shaped bowls, and preparing the molds for fusing. 
Fiber paper placed between the molds and the glass so the glass will not stick to the molds as it slumps down into the molds. Molds in the kiln, and ready to fire. 
Kiln door closed and started on high. I set my desktop 110 kiln on top of the large kiln temporarily so I could fire it, as the counter top has not been build yet where it will repose permanently. 
50 minutes of firing in the kiln, then cool down. Once the kiln is shut off I cannot look in it until the glass is completely cooled for risk of it cracking. That is always the hardest part, waiting to see the finished pieces! The next morning I opened the kiln and, yay! Good firing!!! 
Glass removed from the molds and cleaned, signed and dated on the back. The finished fused glass heart-shaped bowls!
Linda loved her birthday gift. These small fused glass heart-shaped bowls are great for putting rings and earrings in on top of your dresser at night. They are one of my popular sellers. I can create them in any color under the rainbow.
And there you have the very first artwork created in my new art studio. It was so nice having all that room to spread out, work and create, and so much fun creating after the long break of building the studio. Even though the studio is not done yet, I improvised.
#newartstudio #artstudio, #instalike #instagood #picoftheday #dreamcometrue #fusedglass #creative