Those who know me know I love purple!!!
With all the white walls and ceiling, I needed a bold splash of color in the new Art Studio. I love lots of light when I work, so I wanted white walls and ceilings, but it is an art studio after all, so it does need some bright colors in it. I just got the doors hung up and snapped the pic. I still have to do some adjustments on the doors. This pic was taken about 9 pm with just a work light going, sorry it is a bit dark and shadowy.
Below I will back up a bit and show the painting progress.
After the two primer coats, I started painting the purple on the doors.
Then the purple went on the cabinet facings.
And finally I started reinstalling the doors. You can also see from these two pics that the walls have also received their final coats of paint. This back half of the left hand side of the studio is ready for Hubby to install my sink and my counter top.
Love it
Thanks Daphney
Looks absolutely fabulous!
Thanks Linda